Word of the Year 2020


Seeing people set their “Word of the Year” while scrolling through Instagram got me thinking...should I set one for myself? This trend of setting a “Word of the Year” is by no means new, but this year I decided to try it out! 

To be honest, the concept quite appealed to me. It is, in theory, a word that sets the tone for the year ahead. It becomes a mantra to live by and helps one keep centered and focused on their goals for the upcoming year. 

The past year has been quite a roller-coaster for me. I quit my job, moved halfway across the world, got married to the love of my life, and had so many adventures! While it was an incredibly fulfilling year, it was also quite emotionally trying. Being one who loves to plan and be organized in life, it was hard for me to imagine letting go of a stable job and taking the leap of faith. However, I did it! It undoubtedly came with its fair share of anxiety and indecision, and at times I guiltily wonder whether it was the right thing to do. But that’s life, folks! You never know how good or bad a decision is until you’ve lived through it (and sometimes, not even then!) 

And thus, I decided to keep my “Word of the Year” for 2020 -- “believe”. 


I know...not so transcendental or life-altering. But for me, it is a very valuable word. It makes me want to have faith in people, life, and most importantly, myself. 

I urge you to choose a word for yourself this year, and see where it takes you. And don't forget to let me know how it goes!


What’s (usually) in my stationery pouch(es)?