Why gratitude should be a habit...


We live in what is becoming an increasingly thankless world. We feel the constant need to compare our lives with others, and often don’t appreciate the results of the same. It is easy to forget that the glossy pictures we see everyday don’t always depict reality, just a varnished version of it. And therein lies the entrance to a spiraling pit of despair, jealousy, and a general feeling of discontent.

Gratitude can turn this feeling around. Being thankful for all that we have and do in life helps us see the importance (even if not the positives) of every experience. The good experiences make us happy and help us gain momentum to power through the bad times. The bad times teach us valuable lessons which help us grow in life. It is important to remember to be grateful for all that life throws at us. 


Starting and maintaining a gratitude log in a journal/diary is a great way to embark on this path. It helps us reflect on our day in a more mindful manner, and it gives us the opportunity to appreciate the small things in life which bring us joy. It won’t be easy to find something to be thankful for every day, but over time it builds the habit of actively seeking positives in even seemingly dull and dreary days.

Inculcating a sense of gratitude towards life also helps to develop a sense of camaraderie with others, rather than a sense of competition. It helps us realize that we are all humans, and everybody battles some demon or the other. So rather than tearing each other down, we try to help them in their journey. Doing something nice for others, be it friends or strangers, is a great way to bring a smile to someone's face. This in turn makes us happy, thereby fulfilling the original purpose! For instance, paying for coffee for the person behind us in line at the cafe once in a while is a simple way to pay it forward. Volunteering at an NGO or a stray dog shelter are not only great ways to help out in the community, but also remind us to be thankful for all that we have in life.

An attitude of gratitude lets us appreciate life in all its intricacies and alleviate the feeling of discontentment. It helps us down the path of something very rare nowadays- peace of mind. And where there is peace of mind, happiness ensues! So what are you grateful for today?


Do you know what you are worth?


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