How to remain sane during the quarantine


As the quarantine continues for the foreseeable future, it can be a daunting task to remain positive and hopeful. The lack of mental and physical activity leads to a lethargy of sorts. It is important to believe that things will be fine again soon, and not to lose our sense of self in the midst of this chaos. So read on to find out a few tips to remain sane during this period of physical distancing!


It is quite dangerous to begin a list with this activity, but I’ll risk it! Make sure you are getting enough rest, and stick to your sleep routine. Avoid untimely naps, as that messes up the body clock and leads to a disruption of the sleep routine. So snooze the alarm if you must, but make sure you’re out of the bed at a reasonable time.

Play board (bored?) games

This is the perfect time to break out your old board games sitting in the closet gathering dust. Challenge your quarantine partner for a few rounds of your favourite indoor game, and keep a tally of the score! Be it Pictionary, Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, Scrabble, Battleship, or even the classic Chess. You can even shake things up (not literally, though!) if you have a box of Jenga. Uno and Cards against Humanity are some cards-based options. Just use an ordinary deck of cards to play Go Fish, Bluff, or Poker if you don’t have any board games. 


Stay in touch with your family and friends

Thanks to technology, the ones we love and care for are never truly far from us. So use this time to check up on your family and friends, and share some quality time with them virtually. 

Treat yo self

A great way to de-stress is to pamper yourself. To leave aside the worries of the world, and allow yourself time to rejuvenate and relax. Take some time to use a face mask, hair mask, or even try to give yourself a manicure! If you don’t have any such products handy, go natural and make your own DIY masks.


Take a break from your phone/social media

As much as we need technology and the amazing opportunities it gives us, we also need to know when to step back. Like much else in life, overusing gadgets and social media may lead to trouble. It is important to keep up with the world around us, but take a break from it if it gets overwhelming. You don’t need to have a news update every hour! Know your triggers, and what makes you spiral into a negative headspace. Keep your phones aside and spend time doing something productive instead!

Read a book

Use this time to catch up on your to-be-read list! I am and will always remain a fan of books, but had to resort to an e-reader to reduce clutter. So if you don’t have access to books at the moment, read on your e-reader or even online! Make it a point to read a few chapters each night before bed, and it’s a great ritual that you can keep doing even after the quarantine.


Stay hydrated

Make sure you’re having enough water! This seems simple enough, but it is quite easy to slip up on. Have a bottle of water near your workspace and your bed, so that you can keep yourself hydrated. 

Try mandalas/zentangles

The art of doodling mandalas and zentangles is absolutely amazing. It is so soothing to keep drawing patterns to add to an existing piece. Make it as simple or intricate as you prefer. You can refer to the pictures below for some inspiration!

Think about one thing you’re grateful for while washing your hands!

We’re washing our hands so many times each day, that it’s become a task in itself! So use this time to mentally list something or someone you’re grateful to have in your life. In these difficult times, it is essential that we count our blessings and remember to be grateful for what we have. 

Here’s wishing all of you safety and happiness. 

Love and light!


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