Using dried flowers as decor


A few weeks back, on a visit to the grocery store, we got some flowers. Yes, I sometimes buy flowers from there…don’t judge! They’re cheap, and quite pretty! Naturally, we’re in the land of tulips, so we got some tulips and also ones that I’ve been looking for forever! I used to see them in others’ videos often, but could never manage to find them in the wild. And I learnt that they’re called ‘Gyps’- I know, unflattering name, but they’re so beautiful!

So naturally, I got some and put them in a vase! You know I never liked flowers as a child, because I felt bad when they died (Phoebe vibes much?). But now, as a (barely functioning) adult, I am wiser in the ways of the world, and realise that you don’t have to throw away flowers when they die. Instead, you can keep them essentially forever by drying them. So naturally, I took this opportunity to dry some flowers!

Hand-drawn postcards with tiny dried flowers!

I dried some in tiny glass vials, and others in the traditional way of pressing between books. And they turned out so cute!

Are you going to try it as well? Let me know in the comments!


The synergy of writing and design


Cheers to 2024!